Lieutenant Salvador Navarro

Lieutenant Salvador Navarro (Ret.) began as a Sheriff’s Explorer Scout with the Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Department in 1976. He became a Sheriff’s Reserve Officer there in 1977 and a Deputy Sheriff in 1983. During his career he was assigned many specialized units including the Custody Division, Emergency 911 Dispatcher, Sheriff's Civil and Warrants Bureaus, Patrol Operations, Crime Scene Investigator, Criminal Investigations Division and a Sheriff’s Patrol Sergeant.
He promoted to Sheriff's Lieutenant and was assigned to manage the D.A.R.E. Program, School Resource Officers, Crime Prevention Unit, Gang Unit, Mobile Field Force (Riot & Crowd Control - Rapid Response Team), Community Resources Bureau, Mobile Community Oriented Policing Unit, Bicycle Patrol, Sheriff’s Chaplain Program, Sheriff's Honor Guard Detail, Station Commander for a contract city and Watch Commander for Patrol Operations county-wide.
He retired in 2005 and moved his family to Bozeman, Montana where he has become a Montana Hunters Education Instructor, an NRA Certified Firearms Instructor and PPCT Certified Defensive Tactics Instructor and Montana State Certified Firearms Instructor. He is the President and CEO of Montana Tactical Firearms Instruction, Inc.and Vanguard Security Consultants, Inc., Bozeman, Montana. He has trained extensively in martial arts and now trains private citizens and organizations in crime prevention techniques, the safe use of firearms, situational awareness and response & advanced tactical personal self defense courses with firearms.
To Provide the Knowledge, Skills and Attitude Necessary to Develop Safe and Responsible Firearms Ownership
To Provide the Mindset, Training and Self Confidence for Safe & Effective Firearms Use
To Provide "Real World" Firearms Training
To Provide a Family Friendly Learning Environment for All Ages and Skill Levels
To Promote the Shooting Sports and Support our Second Amendment Rights
To Protect out Firearms Heritage, Faith, Family and Freedom